Stone emu nest Dreaming - Ntia Utinat Kutu Ritjinguthinha


By Chern'ee Sutton                           
Age – 26 years                             
Size – 30cm wide X 30cm high    
Medium – Acrylic and textured acrylic on canvas

Stone emu nest Dreaming -

Ntia Utinat Kutu Ritjinguthinha

My name is Chern'ee Sutton and I am a contemporary Indigenous artist from the Kalkadoon people from the Mount Isa area in Queensland. This is my interpretation of “Ntia Utinat Kutu Ritjinguthinha” which means in the Kalkadoon language “Stone Emu Nest Dreaming”.

Price includes Free postage with the painting stretched onto the frame and ready to hang on your wall.

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