I believe we are all created equal and should all be treated with the same respect that we wish for ourselves and families.I love the feeling I get when I donate and can help those in need and I also think Just imagine our world if everyone gave a little something.

Painting donated to A Brave Life
Painting donated to the ACCORD Outreach program

Painting donated to the Greg Inglis Foundation
Painting donated to the Greg Inglis Foundation

Artwork donated to the Greg Inglis Foundation
Painting donated to Woorabinda community by Chern'ee & Brooke Sutton

Painting donated to Woorabinda community by Chern'ee & Brooke Sutton
Painting donated to raise funds for the Turtle Alliance by Brooke & Chern'ee Sutton

Painting donated to Sunshine Coast University Childrens Ward
Painting donated to Spring Mountain School

Artwork design reproduced and used in Mount Isa Police Station.
Artwork painted on a pugarree for the ADF North West Mobile Force

Painting donated to the Wayne Weaver Foundation to raise funds.
Painting donated to the Mount Isa City Council and Community.

Painting donated to the cancer care unit Mount Isa Hospital.
Artwork donated to Miss Teen Australia for use on a dress for a beauty pageant in the U.S.

Artwork donated to the Australian Defence Force for a fundraiser.
Artwork donated to YMCA for their YMCA 175 delegate T-shirts for London

Painted braille cricket bat donated to the Australian Blind Cricket Team
Painting donated to Woorabinda community by Chern'ee & Brooke Sutton
Painting donated to Woorabinda community by Chern'ee & Brooke Sutton
Artwork donated to Wadja Wadja High School, Woorabinda

Painted Sherrin football donated to the Adam Goodes and Mick O'Loughlin's GO Foundation Fundraiser.
Painting donated to disabled and disadvantaged Kalkadoon people fundraiser in Mount Isa.

Painting donated to disabled and disadvantaged Kalkadoon people fundraiser in Mount Isa.
Interactive artwork donated to Boulia Shire Council

Painted Plaque of Battle Mountain donated to Kalkadoon Communities in Mount Isa
Artwork donated to Hinkler Central Shopping Centre Bundaberg

$5,000.00 donated to the Preston Campbell Foundation from the sale of this painting.
Painting donated to the Preston Campbell Foundation

Painting donated to the Yugambeh Museum
Painting donated to Tennis Australia to be donated to an Indigenous Charity

Painted canoe is being donated to an indigenous charity by myself and Dreamworld
Painting donated to the Lady Cilento Childrens Hospital in Brisbane

Painting donated to the Asbestos Foundation to raise funds.
Installation art piece donated to the winning School of the ARTIE Reconciliation Challenge.

Painting donated to the Bundaberg Mayors Charity ball 2015
With permission from the Yugambeh Language group I painted the creation story of the Gold Coast and had elders and Yugambeh champions place their handprints around the painting which has been gifted to the Yugambeh museum

Painted a large painting with the Indigenous All Stars team and the All Stars Team all placing their handprints and signatures on the painting. The painting was 3m long and is being auctioned off with all proceeds going to AIME which is an Indigenous mentoring program
Souvenirs and 2 installation art pieces donated to the Mount Isa Reconciliation Primary School Art Competition 2014

Souvenirs and 2 installation art pieces donated to the Mount Isa Reconciliation Primary School Art Competition 2014
Souvenirs and 2 installation art pieces donated to the Mount Isa Reconciliation Primary School Art Competition 2014

Installation art piece donated to Thabeban Primary School 2014
Painting donated to the Bundaberg Mayoral Chaplaincy Support Raffle as the major prize for 2014

Painting and copyright donated to the A.R.T.I.E. program, the painting will hang in the A.R.T.I.E. main office and the design will be used for t-shirts, hats, stationary etc to be given as incentive gifts to the A.R.T.I.E. students
Copyright of this painting was donated to the Bundaberg Regional Council for use on their own souvenir range

Banner donated to the A.R.T.I.E. program (Achieving Results Through Indigenous Education). Handprints are from the A.R.T.I.E. students at the 2014 Arthur Beetson Fun Day and also Tahan from Big brother 2014
Banner donated to the A.R.T.I.E. program (Achieving Results Through Indigenous Education). Handprints are from the A.R.T.I.E. students at the 2014 Arthur Beetson Fun Day and also Tahan from Big brother 2014

Painting donated to the Queensland Indigenous U15s rugby league team to help get them to Papua New Guinea
Painting and design donated to the Indigenous Lawyers Association of Queensland. The design will be used for the World Indigenous Lawyers Conference held in Brisbane in 2014

Painting donated to the Artoriginal exhibition with all proceeds going to the Safe Sista Foundation
Painting designed and donated to The Bundaberg Woorabar Elders. The painting design will be used as their new logo

Painting donated to Shalom College for a raffle with the funds going to Phoenix House in Bundaberg that deals with victims of sexual violence
Painting donated to the News-Mail in Bundaberg to help raise funds for Alana Rheed so she can go to America to have a hearing operation

Baton designed, painted and donated to the North Queensland Sports Foundation featuring traditional Kalkadoon designs. The baton will be used for the opening ceremony for the Xstrata great western games
Artwork design donated to the A.R.T.I.E. program (Achieving Results Through Indigenous Education) that is being used on a towel

Artwork and some of my souvenir range donated to the Dreamtime Drive for RED DUST Charity
Painting called "Caina Putut" donated to QIECC - Queensland Indigenous Education Consultative Committee to hang in their Brisbane Office

Reconciliation painting called "Walking Together In One Country" donated to Caritas Australia 2013
Painting donated to the "Bundaberg Mayoral Chaplaincy Support Raffle" as the major prize 2013

Painting donated to "Artoriginal" Beyond Billabong Foundations Inaugural Indigenous Art Exhibition 2012, painting was sold for $3,500.00 before it was exhibited and hung.
Painting called "Up in Smoke" donated to my High School for a smoke free event 2012.

Painting donated to the "Make A Wish Foundation" Bundaberg 2012 for an upcoming fundraising event.
Painting donated to The Friendlies Society Private Hospital Cane2Coral fun run 2012. The painting will be auctioned at the gala dinner in August and proceeds go to Qld Cancer Council, Ronald McDonald House, Bundaberg Special School and also volunteer groups.

Painting donated to the "Bundaberg Mayoral Chaplaincy Support Raffle" as the major prize 2012.
Painting donated to Queensland Parliament House from all Australians during my exhibition there 2011.

Painting donated to Bundaberg Lions Club to raise funds for medical research 2011
Painted banner donated to "Umoja" orphanage in Kenya, Africa to help raise funds 2011

Painting donated to Lomani AU Childrens Home in Fiji for a fundraiser 2011
Painted guitar donated to the Bundaberg Womens Indigenous Football team for a fundraiser 2011

Painting and copyright donated to Department of Communities Rockhampton for their awards night 2011
Paintings donated to Kalkadoon Communities P.T.Y. L.T.D. 2011

Paintings donated to Kalkadoon Communities P.T.Y. L.T.D. 2011
Painting donated to "The Pyjama Foundation" for a fundraiser 2011

Painting donated to "The Biggest Morning Tea" cancer fundraiser in Bundaberg 2011
Painting donated to the "Bundaberg Mayoral Chaplaincy Support Raffle" as the major prize 2011

Painting copyright donated to Community Solutions Youth Support for "Youth Homelessness matters Day" brochure 2011
Painting auctioned through the Bundaberg News-mail to raise funds for flood victims 2011